Accept the Challenge
Perhaps you are wondering why this webpage is named “Davidmiller220.”
Thanks for asking.
Some years ago, a group of friends in Latin America helped us launch the 220 Challenge (Desafío 220 in Spanish).
It is a challenge to every follower of Jesus to help plant 2 churches and help make 20 disciples of Jesus.
That makes 220, right?
The 220 Challenge grew out of our intention to obey Jesus's Commission to make disciples of all the nations.
Looks like an impossible task, right? Nevertheless, we believe Jesus expects us to do it. He never said anything that he didn’t mean.
He also said that his disciples form his church and that his church will assault the gates of Hell. He meant that, as well.
So we believe that making disciples and planting churches go hand in hand.
Why 2 churches? Because we get better with practice. Also because one of every two church plants fail. If you stop after the first attempt, you might fail, too.
Why 20 disciples? Because like a Jewish synagogue, it takes 10 members for a church to effectively function as a Body. You can always add more later, of course.
We find that this stuff becomes habit-forming. Eventually it can turn into a lifestyle.
By the way, you don’t have to be a full-time minister to do the 220 Challenge. You don’t have to change jobs or go back to school or move to a foreign country. You just have to accept the challenge, voluntarily. No strings attached.
Should you choose to do so, here is our suggested list of things to do.
1. Focus your prayers.
Start by asking God to show you a place or a people group that needs a disciple-making church. Then start praying for that place or those people. Don’t be hasty here. It may take months for God to fully reveal your unique role in transforming the world.
2. Form a team.
Church planting is not for Lone Rangers. It’s too hard and risky. The apostle Paul—probably the most effective church planter in history--was constantly recruiting coworkers. He never left home without them.
3. Find the open door and go through it.
Another reason the apostle Paul was effective at planting churches is because he waited for God to open doors. Once He did, Paul unhesitatingly stepped through them (See 1 Corinthians 16.9, 1 Corinthians 2.12 and Colossians 4.3). God could open a door for you to plant a church with friends at work, or with a group of homeless people you pass every day on the way to work. He might open a door to families new to your town, or to families with autistic children. He is opening doors like that to church planters every day.
So there it is, the 220 challenge.
If you accept the challenge, please write me and let me know. Use this link. Barbara and I want to focus our prayers with you. If you ever want to ask questions, or give updates or or share advice, we would love to hear from you.
What will happen once you accept the Challenge?
I have no idea.
But God does.
If you are interested in learning more about disciple-making churches and how they are transforming our world, check out these sites.
Across the world today, men and women are faithfully stewarding God’s call as leaders and people of influence in organizations, churches, schools, and marketplaces. What would happen if these men and women were to gather together to form God-inspired, catalytic connections within and across regions, generations, shared interests, and ideas? This is the unique calling of the Lausanne Movement: to connect influencers and ideas for global mission.
A Global Alliance for Church Multiplication
A global coalition of churches and mission agencies working to saturate the world with multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches.
We believe every person should have the opportunity to choose and follow Jesus Christ. And we believe that this can be accomplished when we work together to equip and mobilize the local Body of Christ in every nation.