20 JAN6979Epic Dispatches | Guatemala volcanoes Jesus MayanWe were never out of sight of a perfect, conical peak on the horizon. Just as one picture-perfect volcano passed out of view behind us, another magnificent specimen appeared in the windshield.
01 DEZ6986
Epic Dispatches | Chiapas Mexico persecution Maya Traditionalist CatholicismOnce you head south from Mexico City. the weather grows warmer and the vegetation more lush. When you reach Chiapas, you realize you are most certainly in the tropics. -
12 NOV6972
Mount Mary
When we arrived in Bolivia three months after leaving Indianapolis, I asked Ben and Molly this question: If you had the chance to return to the countries we visited on this trip, which one would you go to first? -
22 OUT7305
The silence in Mexico
Epic Dispatches |If you watch the news nowadays, crossing the Mexican border appears risky. It was not in 2009. Nevertheless, I was nervous.