12 FEB7138The best thing about writing a blog is the feedback. I have received a ton of comments, questions and counsel about Stalking the wily Andes trout. I have learned a lot and laughed a lot. I think you will too.
29 JAN7203
El dorado
The rainbow trout is a beautiful fish, no doubt about it. But the most beautiful fish I’ve ever had on the end of my line is the South American Dorado. As the name suggests, this guy is pure gold, like the famous lost city. -
15 JAN7057
17 DEZ7049
Twice caught
There are rules about telling fish stories. One, it has to be true, sort of. Two, exaggeration is permitted, no, it’s expected. Like you, I have stories about the big one that got away. However, my personal favorites are about catching fish twice.