18 MAY7512The Epic Journey ended after 89 days, 12,634 miles and 12 border crossings in Cochabamba, the place where we have hung our hearts.
21 JUN7096
The Great Commission Hall of Fame
Ordinary men and women are having an eternal impact on the world today by making disciples in obedience to Jesus´s Great Commission. This is the story of one of the greats. -
26 MAR6985
No joke
Jokes are essential gear for fishing. They counter boredom when the fish are not biting and lift spirits on the way home after getting skunked. For instance, did you hear the one about the three guys from Florida, Arkansas and Texas? -
12 FEB7023
In your own words
The best thing about writing a blog is the feedback. I have received a ton of comments, questions and counsel about Stalking the wily Andes trout. I have learned a lot and laughed a lot. I think you will too.